I am fascinated by how we learn and evolve as creative beings. The creative process is full of rich opportunities to grow and understand our shared experience of being in the world. I know, and constantly witness in others, how the process of making with our hands has the ability to transform us. My ability to navigate my life experiences and move into new territory over the years has deepened my creativity and teaching in ways I could not have imagined. It is my best creative work. -Diane

Upcoming Retreats

  • February Projects-

    February Projects-

    What might your birthday garment look like this year? February is that time for me.  I love feeling the changes in my life show up in how I want to...

    February Projects-

    What might your birthday garment look like this year? February is that time for me.  I love feeling the changes in my life show up in how I want to...

  • January-Creating the New Year

    January-Creating the New Year

    A chance to start fresh....its precious time to own and inhabit. A time to re-imagine what we might be about now and how we will explore new territory going forward....

    January-Creating the New Year

    A chance to start fresh....its precious time to own and inhabit. A time to re-imagine what we might be about now and how we will explore new territory going forward....

  • Fall Kantha =Vest+Scarf+Poncho

    Fall Kantha =Vest+Scarf+Poncho

    OH FIRST DAYS OF FALL wrap me in textured rich hues arriving on the first whispers of the season!! One Kantha throw ( 60”x80”) was enough for my scarf, poncho and the...

    Fall Kantha =Vest+Scarf+Poncho

    OH FIRST DAYS OF FALL wrap me in textured rich hues arriving on the first whispers of the season!! One Kantha throw ( 60”x80”) was enough for my scarf, poncho and the...

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