What will bring you Joy & Growth in the New Year?
This is the question I am sitting with now. Such an expansive playground out there….waiting for us to be ready, step up and explore for ourselves!
In my life, nature has always provided revealing metaphor, spiritual lessons, totems and challenges. As 2018 came over the horizon, I set up this alter of ‘equine theme’ pieces that continue to unfold meaning in my life. Some are pieces I have made or drawn at pivotal intersections in my life.
Is there a theme emerging in your life? …a guiding force out in front?
Growth in the New Year can start here- from this list...into your notebook and studio time.
- What are the projects you want to shape your life this year?
- What are the materials, techniques and silhouettes you want to explore ?
- What are the new skills you want to add to your creative toolbox this year?
- What experiences do you want to have as this year unfolds?
A Daily Practice: Pencil in hand, I want to start my days with marks on paper...like breathing this is my most intimate process- just there, at the tips of my fingers, rolling onto paper. Drawing influences the way I approach fabric, how I sew and what I think is possible there.
What personal, daily practice would you like to cultivate in your life?
...maybe a studio practice to get you moving....on the way, something before fabric?
These pieces, like windows into parts of my life, are welcoming me like old friends and inspiring new forms of expression. Inspiration comes from what we sense and what we are willing to take in. What are you longing for?.....and where will your creativity take you exploring next?
See you in the Studio, Diane