Threads Magazine: Artist in the Studio- feature issue # Dec. '12/jan'13
Threads Magazine:
Podcast Video#45- Creating through Adversity- Oct. 2021
Diane shares how being a creative is the guiding light in making her way through challenging life experiences, and how as a collective of makers, we have the tools to make a difference in the meaning and gifts of community.
Artist in the Studio Feature- Issue #164 Dec./Jan 12’/’13
Edges Article- Issue #101 July 2005-
VIDEO TIP: Variable-Width Facing on a Decorative Edge Overlapping a brightly colored facing adds interest and style to your garment When creating a new look by reshaping the edges of a pattern, consider partially extending the facing around the seam. Bold, contrasting material can add excitement to your design, but even subtle colors can accentuate curves and give a flare to the edge. In this video, designer Diane Ericson demystifies the technique of extending the facing around the edge of a seam. It requires some preplanning a little more material, but Diane guarantees You'll love the results. Watch the VideoRedesigning Pattern page article on using the seams and edges of your pattern as design elements to personalize your garments. For an on-line video showing construction techniques, visit Click to edit
A Design Board for Sewers- Issue #93 March 2001
The article gives step-by step instructions for how to make your own design board. It is a great tool for pinning up collages of ideas, materials and partially finished projects in the design process.Embellish with Inset
Inset Fabric Article- Issue #88 May 2000
How to inset a piece of fabric of almost any shape into any other fabric for decorative effect.
Pockets as Windows-Issue #80 Dec./January 1999
How to use a design tool, called windows, for designing innovative pockets.
Design Files- Issue #78 Aug./September 1998
How to create, see and interpret more inspiration in the ideas and images around you.
The Art of Stenciling- Issue #73 November 1997
Creating unique surface design with a stenciling process.A collection of stenciled garments are included.
Threads Design Challenge- Issue #71 July 1997
Four designers were given the same 5 fabrics and a situation to design for. The article shares each designers work.
Pocket Play- Issue #70 April/May 1997
A great hanging pocket design on a skirt (ReVisions # 103), or as a bag.
Design Exercises- Issue #61 November 1995
In this special issue on design, Diane has an exercise for creating new color combinations and a window technique for ""framing"" and ""seeing"" and interpreting ideas in new ways.
Knotted Beads & Buttons- Issue #54 September 1994
How to make beautiful knots for jewelry or clothing from your favorite fabrics.
Pin Weaving-Issue #51 March 1994
Weaving shaped garment pieces on cardboard using fabric strips.
Jewelry Articles-Issue #38 Dec./Jan. 1992 & September Issue 1994
Creating collage jewelry by forming and covering plastic with fabrics and treasures.
Stencil Article- Issue #28 and in Threads book ""Techniques for Casual Clothing "" 1994
How to design, cut and print fabric with stencils.
Vogue Pattern Magazine:
June/July 2016- Curves & Angles: Designing with Art Fabrics-Innovative ways to create pattern changes to compliment the surface design in fabrics.
DEC/JAN. 2015- Creating Surface Designed Fabrics into Garments- A collaborative article with my son, Miles Frode - 3 Techniques turned into 3 garments
FEB/MARCH 2014- DRAWING ON FABRIC: Lots of ideas for drawing with permanent Fabric pens with various prints and solid fabrics. The focal garment is a draped, Re-Designed Shirt in summer fabrics.
JUNE/JULY 2014- DESIGN OUTSIDE THE LINES: Diane artfully plays out her FLIGHT design theme in all the garment details using a Lynn Mizono shirt pattern.
Sew News Magazine:
Innovative Edges- Issue: Sept. 2004
"START Something New: Expand Creativity by Exploring New Design Process" Issue #280, Dec. 2005
Diane is included in these books:
the 12 secrets of highly creative wwomen, a portable mentor, by gail mcmeekin
Published by Conair Press, Berkeley, CA.. Diane, one of 45 women whose interview and life stories were used for the book, shares this about the experience. ""Two years ago, I spent 2-3 hours in taped phone interviews with Gail, a career coach and counselor in the Boston area. It was truly an honor and an energizing experience for me to be included in this project. To see what we intuitively do in problem-solving our lives as a part of a larger circle of tools that can be interpreted and shared by others is very rewarding. I feel that my ability to navigate my life experiences and move into new territory over the years has deepened my creativity in a way I could not have imagined. I hope, as you share the experiences in our stories, you are inspired to find your strongest, most authentic self.
Back cover comments: "Career coach and author Gail McMeekin profiles many of today's most dynamic women and shares their secrets of success. From interviews with best selling authors, business women, artists, musicians and scholars to interior designer Chris Madden, software tycoon Brenda Laurel and actresses Christina Pickles and C.C.H. Pounder, "The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women" book will inspire you, provide the tools to uncover your own authenticity and to realize all your creative dreams."
craft to heal by nancy monson
Soothing your Soul with Sewing, Painting and other Pastimes. Published by Hats Off Press. This book describes and explores how creative pursuits can be transformed into healing arts, which, in turn, can transform us