Making by Hand: Small Offerings

Making by Hand: Small Offerings

                                            A Tea Cozy-

Some days we just need fabric in our hands….no big project, just an afternoon to drop into that place MAKING takes us. We have learned how to ‘get away’ by going inside. In this is the season of nesting, our interior lives invite us back. 

As I sit, making my first tea new cozy, I am appreciating the memory of my tea pot collection and each individual tea cozy I had made for them. I had rebuilt a cabinet to display my collection with drawers for the tea cozies. Starting over after the fire, this is the first tea cozy! I have learned to appreciate and feel grateful for the joy that collection brought me.



 Lessons …Always lessons.............

I had gifted a friend with one of my favorites. After the fire, she re-gifted me that tea cozy. Although grateful to see it again, I was initially horrified by its condition! OMG …..not just a shelf ornament, she had used it!......ALOT!

 Day by day, it’s transformation started to mean more. Now, I feel a deep satisfaction everytime I look at that tea-stained cover. I’m honored knowing it had been part of her REAL life… and I’m reminded of the Velveteen Rabbit story: proud to be included and of service! 

 ........................It reminds me this is not a practice life.

Maybe you have ‘velveteen rabbit’ pieces in your life too? If you’ve been saving the good stuff, what would it be like to use them? So whether it’s a set of dishes, a special fabric or a tea cozy….they are all waiting to have experiences to share in the future. 

 The opportunity to give & receive has been profound for me this past year. We all need both breathing in and out. Receiving is also a gift.

 Sometimes special things are meant to be shared….so in the spirit of the season, imagine if we all passed on something special to another, maybe we would create a shift in the world? I want to believe we would.

 Appreciating each of you,

Making tea & looking forward to reading The Velveteen Rabbit again,  Diane


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Sometimes the special things that are meant to be shared can be as simple as inspiration to look at things a different way. This is the gift that you have given to me and many others around the world. Another gift you have given is to share your life’s journey through adversity and happier times. Thank you. My own current journey is to use as much of my scraps of left over fabric as possible. I am amazed that I get more enjoyment out of making vests, small handbags and finally necklaces out of this scrap than I do making the original garment. So use your scraps to get as much pleasure out of life as is possible. Love from Australia, Jean

Jean Watson

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