My Mom

My Mom


 I've always appreciated the Swedish traditions of needle/textile arts that came down through the women in my family.  My Mom was always supportive of my creativity. There were always art supplies and tools to explore.

In this photo, from the book cover of the Bag Book, I am 20 and she is was a new beginning of sharing our ideas in the publishing of this first round of books. Our line of Design & Sew Patterns soon followed and we both enjoyed many years of working and teaching retreats together.

Our favorite joint project was the Design & Sew Book ... you know, its the one with the blue cover? The re-printed, edited, version continues to be a favorite resource for timeless techniques and ideas. It makes a great personal workbook: stapling samples to the pages and writing notes in the margins. 

Mom still hangs out in the studio, inspiring all of photos, books, in her collage and watercolor work...and samples I share in classes. I feel her smiling and celebrating the directions my life and the precious traditions I can share with my children.

Thanks Mom, for sharing who you are ....with all of us.

Loving you, Diane

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I remember when I first took a class from Lois. As soon as she spoke, I immediately thought how much like you she sounded. Spending time with her was precious! I have always been a fan of both of you! And I do miss you both, as you are part of my sewing journey inspiriation!


I met your mother in San Diego when she started teaching craft classes for the adult ed departments. That must of been over 50 years ago. I was newly married with new babies – staying home & about ready to climb the walls. If I didn’t have that once a week class & her creative inspiration…….who knows what I would have done. I have been following Lois & you for many years. I have all her books & many patterns. Now that I’m no longer teaching & traveling promoting my own pattern line I am ready to order your stencils & get back to creative playing. Please keep doing the short videos.

Mary Lou Rankin

I have not worked with your products for a few years, however today on Pinintrest I saw a Ericsson design. I filled the design and I end up here. I have several garments of Lois Ericsson designs.I have just discovered this web site. I do plan on enjoying your work

Ingrid Holmes

Thank you Diane for the pictures of your lovely and talented mom. I have taken several workshops when Lois would come to G Street Remnants in Washington DC and Rockville, MD during the early 80’s. Spending several days lecturing and teaching and signing books.
I have all of her books, patterns and received her newsletter “The Good News Rag.” I loved her newsletters and looked forward to her garment patterns. I have several of your garment patterns as well, Diane. I look forward to your newsletter. Hoping to spend time at your retreat, also.

What a treat to be reminded of such wonder filled moments from the past.

Cheryl Hurd

Diane, It is great to see these photos and think about your Mom.

I feel so lucky that me, my Mom, and my sister were fortunate to take some classes and be at a retreat with you and your Mom!

Her legacy lives on in the wonderful books and memories.

And you continue to be such a creative inspiration!

Sally Evans

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