DOL Taos Opportunity

This is your Opportunity to FINALLY experience Design Outside the Lines!
A rare, last minute group cancellation has opened up several slots in the upcoming Taos Retreat. Design Outside the Lines has a long history of expanding your creativity, taking you in new directions, at the same time amplifying your own vision.
The combination of Diane Ericson's personal style of individual teaching and this unique spiritual environment make Design Outside the Lines Taos the perfect opportunity to explore your creativity.
Taos, New Mexico has so much to offer; fine art, landmark sites, unique shopping and incredible dining. Rich in history, authentic in architecture, The Mabel Dodge Luhan House has been a center of Taos arts and education for nearly 100 years. Join us and experience the rustic and relaxing ambience that makes the Mabel Dodge Luhan house an artistic salon of the Southwest.
The guest teacher for this retreat is Bettina Matzkuhn. Her work as a textile artist has been greatly influenced by her travels and environment. Join us as she shares with you way to fold storytelling into your work.